Frequently Asked Questions and Answers about our data, services, products and other general information.

What is SiftBits?

A side-project geared to surface and mix datasets for the general public to help find the best things to buy at the best pricing. Namely, we are focused on pricing data around technology components in 2024.

Do you have a public API?

Yes and No. We are a data-first project, so YES we do have an API. We want to understand the needs of our users before we open up our API. We are currently in a closed beta. If you are interested in our API, please reach out to us. We are looking for early adopters to help us shape our API.

Why leverage the ITAD market?

Most ITAD companies, in our experience, are not tech folk and brute force their recycling pipelines. We believe that there is a better way to handle ITAD and we are working on a solution.

How can I help?

Reach out via our contact form and let's toss around some ideas. Right now, we have two lines in a Markdown file to begin adding user tools to give our users more power long term.

When will SiftBits build XYZ feature?

We'd like to know that too! :) We are a small team and are working on a lot of things. If you have a feature request, please reach out to us. We are looking for early adopters to help us shape our roadmap.

Can I see your Product Roadmap?

Yes. We are working on a public roadmap. We are currently in a closed beta. If you are interested in our roadmap, please reach out to us. We are looking for early adopters to help us shape our roadmap.

Still have questions?

Reach out to us and we'd be happy to talk.